Amanda Norton MPH


Norton, A., Fuller-Thomson, E., & Adams, M. (2024). Environmental Injustice in The Peel Region: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Air Pollution and Social Vulnerability. Published - Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy.

Norton, A., Russel, A., Radford, A., Burgess, M., Bauer, J., Christiansen, C., Knight, S., Whitacre, S., Basta, N. Ceballos, D. (2023). Addressing Air Traffic Concerns: Assessing Aircraft Pollutants in Milton Soil. Published -Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 10.1007/s11270-023-06790-y

Norton, A., Rakowska, S., Galloway, T., Rosella, L., Wilson, K., Adams, M. (2023) Are at-risk sociodemographic attributes stable across COVID transmission waves? Published - Journal of Spatiotemporal Engineering. 10.1016/j.sste.2023.100586

Norton, J., DiRisio G.F., Carp, J.S., Norton, A., Wolpaw, J.R. (2021). Brain-Computer Interface Based Assessment of Color Vision. Published – Journal of Neural Engineering. 10.1088/1741-2552/ac3264

In Review

Rishworth, A., Norton, A., Galloway, T., Adams, M., Wilson, K. (2023). Reframing the Healthy Immigrant Effect in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Submitted. Social Science and Medicine: Population Health

Norton, A., Adams, M., Deacon, L. (2023). COVID-19 in Rural Ontario Communities: Exploring the Relationship Between Gender Identity and Mental Health During a Pandemic. Submitted. Journal of Community Psychology.

In Progress

Norton, A., Fuller-Thomson, E., Saha, Supriya., Ead, Lauren., Patel, P., Rooney, J., Adams, M. (2023). Exploring the Intersection of Population Mobility Patterns and Exposure Risk: Air Pollution and Environmental Justice in the Peel Region Over Time. In Progress. Target Journal: Environmental Science and Technology. Target Submission: September 2024.

Norton, A., Conte Keivabu, R., Alexander, M., (2024). Assessing Temperature Measurement at An Aggregate Spatial Scale: An Evaluation of Population Weighted Extreme Climate Exposure Estimation Methods. In Progress. Target Journal: Spatial Demography. Target Submission: September 2024.

Norton, A., Adams, M. (2023). Evaluating Air Pollution Concern in an Air Pollution Crisis: Quebec Wildfire’s Impact on Ontario Air Pollution Internet Traffic. In Progress. Target Journal: Canadian Journal of Public Health.

Norton, A., Kangur, M., Riaz, M., Galloway, T., Wilson, K., Rosella, L., Adams, M., (2024). Spatial Infectious Disease Cluster Identification Within a Timeseries: A Scoping Review. Target Journal: BMJ Open

Norton, A., Riaz, M., Galloway, T., Wilson, K., Rosella, L., Adams, M., (2024). Examining the Relationship Between Social Vulnerability, COVID-19, and Air Pollution Exposure: A Mediation and Moderation Analysis of Ecological Data. Target Journal: Canadian Journal of Public Health